Gotham 5×2&3: Double Shot

Joe and Kris had to watch back to back episodes of Gotham thanks to On Demand not updating. Can Bruce find the Witch? Is Penguin a new ally? And can Joe end the show properly without having to edit it? All this and some talk on Godzilla: King of the Monsters.

Gotham Season 4 Finale.

Joe and Kris review the last episode of the fourth season of Gotham. Can our heroes prevent the Cataclysm? Is it too late for a storyline that hasn’t happened yet? Is the Government full of morons? All this and a preview of our Season 4 Full Review for next week.

Gotham 4×21: The Joke of Killing

Kris and Joe review this reverse Killing Joke episode of Gotham. Can Gordon and GCPD find all the bombs? Is Ras Al Ghul Meta-gaming to get a Batman? And will one of our favorite heroes die o just be crippled? All this and we discuss Fox’s culling of good shows to make way for broken down old ones.

Gotham 4×21: A Funeral for an Enemy

Joe and Kris return to the car with this not so twist and turn episode of Gotham. Can the GCPD stop the new Joker Gang? Who is are new proto-Harley? And can Bruce turn Jerimiah back to the light side? All this and possible spoilers for next season.

Gotham 4×20: The Demon Returns.

Joe and Kris return to the car for this really timey whimy episode of Gotham. Will changing alliances force a split with Selina and Bruce? Can Penguin and Grundy force Riddler into their gang? And how stupid is this Barbara/Tabitha relationship?


Gotham 4×19: Bruce gets a new Car.

Joe and Kris discuss this 40 minutes of good episode of Gotham. Can the Rogues’ carnage continue? Does anyone really have to time for Woke League of Shadows? And will the real actor playing the major villain, please stand up? All this and Bruce’s Birthday.

Gotham 4×18: The Legion of Rogues

Joe tells Kris about this week’s Gotham as she types characters for 1D4Con. Who is Xander Wilde? Is Riddler really falling for Leslie? And can Penguin turn Grundy back into Butch? All this and 1D4Con pre-show hype.